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"Old School" Days July 15/16

Over the years, I've had the honor and joy to work with Tamara Wilder, an expert at all things to do with ancient technologies and ancestral skills. She has been a guest at the school countless times, and her knowledge of these primary arts is coming back this summer. For two days, she and I will present workshops on how to create cordage (string, twine) from plant fibers, how to weave baskets, create beads from soapstone and pine nuts, how to coax fire from a wooden hearth and drill, the physics of various traditional human weapons, and much more. Join us for a presentation, a day, or all weekend.

We are hoping to segue Saturday's workshop into a presentation on Wailaki cultural fire, given by Perry Lincoln, who will speak about indigenous land management traditions. SCCS Alumni families are especially invited to attend, and a tour of the school campus will end with a stop in the library where SCCS archives will be open. Explore 50 years of photos and memorabilia with other Creeker folk, and stay right through to the Sunday exchange with more neighbors, old and new. Stay tuned for a more detailed schedule of events!

Tamara's website:

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